Upgrade auf 3.2.7

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Upgrade auf 3.2.7

Beitrag von Administrator » Montag 6. Mai 2019, 12:12

Moin Moin!

Gleich zu Beginn der neuen Woche und nach einem kurzem Intervall, noch ein Update der Forensoftware, welches ich sogleich einbaute und durchführte.
phpBB Team hat geschrieben:Greetings everyone,

We are pleased to announce the release of phpBB 3.2.7 "Bertie’s Force Field". This version is a maintenance release of the 3.2.x branch which resolves issues reported in previous versions.

The fixed issues include, among others, issues with form token validation during login, the inability to change topic types after posting, an issue with viewing private message folders, and potentially incorrectly shortened URL links when using the [url=] BBCode.
Full backwards compatibility for styles released before phpBB 3.2.6 has been introduced, which will enable logins even though these styles have not yet been updated with the latest style changes.

The full list of changes is available in the changelog file within the docs folder contained in the release package. You can find the key highlights of this release on the wiki at https://wiki.phpbb.com/Release_Highlights/3.2.7 and a list of all issues fixed on our tracker at Issues fixed in 3.2.7

The packages can be downloaded from our downloads page.

The development team thanks everyone who contributed code to this release: JoshyPHP, Matt Friedman, mrgoldy, EA117

If you have any questions or comments, we'll be happy to address them in the discussion topic.

- The phpBB Team

Quelle: https://www.phpbb.com/community/viewtop ... &t=2510666
Summa Summarum, wieder ein Update welches Fehler, Bugs etc. behebt.
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